Welcome to Peterson Academy
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Welcome to Peterson Academy

devoid of ideology.

Affordable to all, taught by the best.

What's included:
  • 4 New College Courses Monthly
  • Intellectually Driven Community
  • World-Class Professors
  • 35+ 8-Hour Lectures

Explore Our Library of World-Class Courses

8-hour courses available now, with
4 new courses added every month.

All courses
32 hours of wisdom distilled into 8, 1-hour lectures. The most intense and best work I’ve ever done. Quote marks
Dr. Peterson's portrait for Personality course
Personality and its transformations course title
Enroll now

Three 8 – hour courses by Dr. Jordan B. Peterson

What Our Students
Are Saying

“These lectures are so good it physically, psychologically, and spiritually hurts to press pause.”

Sandor Tudor

“Peterson Academy has replaced podcasts as my ritual during my commute. I'm really looking forward to the app!”

Jimmy Chacko

“I'm taking the best notes I've ever taken in my life as a student of Peterson Academy.”

Isaiah Izrailov

“This work space feels like a dream. University level education for the price of 3 days worth of groceries.”

Jason Sobkowicz

“I can't imagine a more intelligent and powerful network. As a community, you are worth more than the tuition cost.”

Chase Gray

“It's insane to me how PA and literally any school I ever went to are not even on the same planet in terms of quality.

All of the courses I have seen so far have been more useful and insightful to me than any other 60h+ uni course or vocational school class I ever attended, and that in just a tenth of the time!”

Sebastien Morissette

Watch or listen.
Anywhere. Anytime.

Watch courses anywhere, anytime. Learn as fast or slow as you prefer, speed up course content if you choose. Listen to courses in podcast form.

Preview of various devices Peterson Academy is available on

Track your

Track your courses, progress, and monitor your grades, post photos, share thoughts and ideas, and more on your profile.

Preview of the progress tracking features


Test your

Opt-in to test your knowledge of course material with advanced AI-based quizzes and exams tailored to challenge, engage, and teach you.

Preview of Peterson Academy AI-based tests

Join a motivated

Discuss courses, envision your future, make friends, meet and connect with other people who want to improve their lives on the social media page. No ads, no bots, and no trolls.

Preview of Peterson Academy's social feed

Connect with

Connect, exchange ideas, and build relationships with students on the platform via direct messaging. Meet people who want to learn to improve their lives, and to open doors of opportunity by increasing their breadth of knowledge.

Preview of a coming Peterson Academy's messaging and study group features

Annual Tuition

7-day money-back guarantee

Enroll now and gain full access to all current and future Peterson Academy courses with 4 new courses a month, optional testing, and the Peterson Academy community for a year.

$599 .99

(billed annually)

$150 off for anyone under 25, students, teachers, and military.

Beta Version

Peterson Academy is currently in our public beta version.

This means that with the support of our students we have scaled development and are able to achieve our educational and community features significantly quicker than originally anticipated. The mobile app, direct messages, study groups, exams, note-taking and essays are in development, for release in the not too distant future (as well as a number of other features to become the best education platform in the world). With your support, we can achieve this rapidly.

We're bringing the best lecturers in the world to everyone, everywhere. Our professors teach what is most important and what they love best to those who most want to learn and develop.

Read Peterson Academy’s full mission statement

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Master Every Discipline

We're bringing the best lecturers in the world to everyone, everywhere. Our professors teach what is most important, and what they love best to those who most want to learn and develop.